Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund Overview
Category Large & Mid Cap Fund
Growth Option 21-02-2025
NAV ₹556.14(R) -0.74% ₹618.67(D) -0.73%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 9.61% 17.64% 18.2% 14.43% 14.24%
Direct 10.71% 18.79% 19.35% 15.54% 15.34%
Nifty Large Midcap 250 TRI 4.69% 16.24% 19.39% 14.91% 14.24%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -4.81% 18.84% 20.11% 18.21% 16.2%
Direct -3.81% 20.06% 21.31% 19.35% 17.32%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.67 0.36 0.76 1.31% 0.1
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
14.39% -16.58% -12.28% 0.96 9.89%

NAV Date: 21-02-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund-Regular Plan - IDCW 38.57
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund - Direct Plan - IDCW 109.48
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund-Regular Plan - Growth 556.14
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund - Direct Plan - Growth 618.67

Review Date: 21-02-2025

Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund has exhibited good performance in the Large & Mid Cap Fund category. The fund has rank of 7 out of 26 funds in the category. The fund has delivered return of 9.61% in 1 year, 17.64% in 3 years, 18.2% in 5 years and 14.24% in 10 years. The category average for the same periods is 6.41%, 15.15%, 17.56% and 13.0% respectively, which shows good return performance of fund in the category. The fund has exhibited standard deviation of 14.39, VaR of -16.58, Average Drawdown of -5.89, Semi Deviation of 9.89 and Max Drawdown of -12.28. The category average for the same parameters is 14.38, -18.7, -7.16, 10.25 and -12.8 respectively. The fund has low risk in the category.

Key Points:

  1. An investment of ₹10,000 in Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹11071.0 in 1 year, ₹16764.0 in 3 years and ₹24217.0 in 5 years as of today (21-02-2025).
  2. An SIP of ₹1,000 per month in Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹11750.0 in 1 year, ₹48361.0 in 3 years and ₹101992.0 in 5 years as of today (21-02-2025).
  3. standard deviation of 14.39 and based on VaR one can expect to lose more than -16.58% of current value of fund in one year.
  4. Sharpe ratio of the fund is 0.67 which shows good performance of fund in the large & mid cap fund category.
  5. The fund has R-square of 0.94, Beta of 0.96 and Jensen's Alpha of 1.31% which exhibit good performance in the large & mid cap fund category .

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KPIs* Fund Nifty Large Midcap 250 TRI Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % -3.25 -3.86
-10.70 | -1.77 4 | 28 Very Good
3M Return % -5.32 -5.29
-12.77 | -1.37 6 | 29 Very Good
6M Return % -10.47 -11.45
-19.00 | -6.67 11 | 29 Good
1Y Return % 9.61 4.69
-3.42 | 13.54 10 | 28 Good
3Y Return % 17.64 16.24
7.22 | 20.69 9 | 26 Good
5Y Return % 18.20 19.39
12.06 | 22.00 10 | 25 Good
7Y Return % 14.43 14.91
9.89 | 15.95 9 | 20 Good
10Y Return % 14.24 14.24
10.39 | 16.17 4 | 17 Very Good
15Y Return % 14.67 14.40
10.81 | 18.38 4 | 15 Very Good
1Y SIP Return % -4.81
-33.37 | -0.93 5 | 28 Very Good
3Y SIP Return % 18.84
9.56 | 21.69 7 | 26 Very Good
5Y SIP Return % 20.11
12.36 | 23.75 9 | 25 Good
7Y SIP Return % 18.21
12.10 | 20.81 8 | 20 Good
10Y SIP Return % 16.20
11.31 | 17.54 7 | 17 Good
15Y SIP Return % 15.75
12.43 | 18.12 5 | 15 Good
Standard Deviation 14.39
12.74 | 17.00 16 | 26 Average
Semi Deviation 9.89
9.04 | 12.93 13 | 26 Good
Max Drawdown % -12.28
-20.09 | -9.41 14 | 26 Good
VaR 1 Y % -16.58
-22.28 | -14.75 5 | 26 Very Good
Average Drawdown % -5.89
-12.20 | -4.52 5 | 26 Very Good
Sharpe Ratio 0.67
0.02 | 0.91 8 | 26 Good
Sterling Ratio 0.76
0.24 | 0.98 9 | 26 Good
Sortino Ratio 0.36
0.04 | 0.45 7 | 26 Very Good
Jensen Alpha % 1.31
-9.12 | 5.47 9 | 26 Good
Treynor Ratio 0.10
0.00 | 0.14 10 | 26 Good
Modigliani Square Measure % 17.14
6.96 | 21.66 9 | 26 Good
Alpha % 0.70
-9.11 | 4.65 9 | 26 Good
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Nifty Large Midcap 250 TRI Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % -3.17 -3.86 -4.70 -10.61 | -1.70 4 | 28
3M Return % -5.08 -5.29 -6.58 -12.51 | -1.16 5 | 29
6M Return % -10.01 -11.45 -10.93 -18.48 | -6.26 12 | 29
1Y Return % 10.71 4.69 7.64 -1.93 | 14.86 10 | 28
3Y Return % 18.79 16.24 16.48 8.11 | 22.12 8 | 26
5Y Return % 19.35 19.39 18.91 13.03 | 23.64 9 | 25
7Y Return % 15.54 14.91 14.96 10.88 | 17.11 9 | 20
10Y Return % 15.34 14.24 14.07 11.36 | 17.25 5 | 17
1Y SIP Return % -3.81 -8.86 -32.52 | -0.03 6 | 28
3Y SIP Return % 20.06 16.64 10.49 | 23.40 6 | 26
5Y SIP Return % 21.31 19.93 13.34 | 25.09 9 | 25
7Y SIP Return % 19.35 18.36 13.06 | 21.81 7 | 20
10Y SIP Return % 17.32 16.48 12.32 | 18.56 6 | 17
Standard Deviation 14.39 14.38 12.74 | 17.00 16 | 26
Semi Deviation 9.89 10.25 9.04 | 12.93 13 | 26
Max Drawdown % -12.28 -12.80 -20.09 | -9.41 14 | 26
VaR 1 Y % -16.58 -18.70 -22.28 | -14.75 5 | 26
Average Drawdown % -5.89 -7.16 -12.20 | -4.52 5 | 26
Sharpe Ratio 0.67 0.54 0.02 | 0.91 8 | 26
Sterling Ratio 0.76 0.67 0.24 | 0.98 9 | 26
Sortino Ratio 0.36 0.28 0.04 | 0.45 7 | 26
Jensen Alpha % 1.31 -0.27 -9.12 | 5.47 9 | 26
Treynor Ratio 0.10 0.08 0.00 | 0.14 10 | 26
Modigliani Square Measure % 17.14 15.30 6.96 | 21.66 9 | 26
Alpha % 0.70 -1.14 -9.11 | 4.65 9 | 26
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1D -0.74 ₹ 9,926.00 -0.73 ₹ 9,927.00
1W 1.08 ₹ 10,108.00 1.10 ₹ 10,110.00
1M -3.25 ₹ 9,675.00 -3.17 ₹ 9,683.00
3M -5.32 ₹ 9,468.00 -5.08 ₹ 9,492.00
6M -10.47 ₹ 8,953.00 -10.01 ₹ 8,999.00
1Y 9.61 ₹ 10,961.00 10.71 ₹ 11,071.00
3Y 17.64 ₹ 16,280.00 18.79 ₹ 16,764.00
5Y 18.20 ₹ 23,076.00 19.35 ₹ 24,217.00
7Y 14.43 ₹ 25,694.00 15.54 ₹ 27,490.00
10Y 14.24 ₹ 37,865.00 15.34 ₹ 41,658.00
15Y 14.67 ₹ 77,971.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 -4.81 ₹ 11,683.42 -3.81 ₹ 11,749.80
3Y ₹ 36000 18.84 ₹ 47,542.72 20.06 ₹ 48,360.56
5Y ₹ 60000 20.11 ₹ 99,047.28 21.31 ₹ 101,992.02
7Y ₹ 84000 18.21 ₹ 160,911.91 19.35 ₹ 167,578.66
10Y ₹ 120000 16.20 ₹ 280,909.80 17.32 ₹ 298,236.72
15Y ₹ 180000 15.75 ₹ 658,792.26

Date Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund NAV Regular Growth Dsp Equity Opportunities Fund NAV Direct Growth
21-02-2025 556.136 618.674
20-02-2025 560.255 623.239
19-02-2025 554.481 616.799
18-02-2025 551.044 612.959
17-02-2025 551.376 613.312
14-02-2025 550.174 611.923
13-02-2025 558.778 621.476
12-02-2025 558.18 620.793
11-02-2025 558.382 621.001
10-02-2025 569.659 633.525
07-02-2025 577.348 642.022
06-02-2025 576.84 641.441
05-02-2025 579.122 643.96
04-02-2025 576.815 641.377
03-02-2025 567.144 630.606
31-01-2025 574.575 638.816
30-01-2025 568.171 631.678
29-01-2025 566.641 629.96
28-01-2025 557.548 619.834
27-01-2025 557.071 619.286
24-01-2025 568.348 631.77
23-01-2025 575.573 639.782
22-01-2025 571.451 635.182
21-01-2025 574.828 638.918

Fund Launch Date: 11/Mar/2000
Fund Category: Large & Mid Cap Fund
Investment Objective: The primary investment objective is to seek to generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is substantially constituted of equity and equity related securities of large and midcap companies. From time to time, the fund manager will also seek participation in other equity and equity related securities to achieve optimal portfolio construction.
Fund Description: Large & Mid Cap Fund- An open ended equity scheme investing in both large cap and mid cap stocks
Fund Benchmark: Nifty Large Midcap 250 (Total Return Index)
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.