Sundaram Overnight Fund Overview
Category Overnight Fund
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹1342.95(R) +0.02% ₹1350.95(D) +0.02%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 6.53% 6.12% 4.87% -% -%
Direct 6.65% 6.22% 4.97% -% -%
SIP (XIRR) Regular 6.51% 6.48% 5.71% -% -%
Direct 6.62% 6.58% 5.81% -% -%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
-2.3 -0.56 0.61 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
0.27% 0.0% 0.0% - 0.23%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Sundaram Overnight Fund Regular Plan - Monthly Payout of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) 1041.77
Sundaram Overnight Fund Regular Plan - Monthly Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) 1041.77
Sundaram Overnight Fund Direct Plan - Monthly Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) 1045.5
Sundaram Overnight Fund Direct Plan - Monthly Payout of Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW) 1045.5
Sundaram Overnight Fund Regular Plan - Growth 1342.95
Sundaram Overnight Fund Direct Plan - Growth 1350.95

Review Date: 07-03-2025

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Sundaram Overnight Fund NAV Regular Growth Sundaram Overnight Fund NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 1342.9454 1350.9525
06-03-2025 1342.7221 1350.7255
05-03-2025 1342.5062 1350.5059
04-03-2025 1342.2899 1350.286
03-03-2025 1342.0732 1350.0655
28-02-2025 1341.3812 1349.3623
27-02-2025 1341.1539 1349.1311
25-02-2025 1340.704 1348.6739
24-02-2025 1340.4778 1348.444
21-02-2025 1339.801 1347.7559
20-02-2025 1339.5778 1347.529
19-02-2025 1339.352 1347.2994
18-02-2025 1339.1263 1347.0701
17-02-2025 1338.9008 1346.8408
14-02-2025 1338.2201 1346.1489
13-02-2025 1337.9911 1345.9161
12-02-2025 1337.7654 1345.6867
11-02-2025 1337.5414 1345.459
10-02-2025 1337.3162 1345.2301
07-02-2025 1336.6357 1344.5383

Fund Launch Date: 15/Mar/2019
Fund Category: Overnight Fund
Investment Objective: To generate income by investing in debt, money market instruments, cash and cash equivalents with overnight maturity / maturing in one business day. No Guarantee/ Assurance: Investors are neither being offered any guaranteed/indicated returns nor any guarantee on repayment of capital by the Schemes. There is also no guarantee of capital or return either by the mutual fund or by the sponsor or by the Asset management Company.
Fund Description: Overnight fund
Fund Benchmark: Not Available
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.