Mirae Asset Silver Etf Overview
Category ETF
Rating N/A
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹95.43(R) +0.27% (D) %
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 32.16% -% -% -% -%
SIP (XIRR) Regular 23.2% -% -% -% -%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Mirae Asset Silver ETF 95.43

Review Date: 07-03-2025

A review of the different performance parameters of the fund is as follows:
  1. Returns: It denotes the rise in the investment's worth during the investment period, expressed as a percentage or a monetary value. As part of our analysis, we evaluated four return parameters of this fund. We have classified the return parameters into three performance groups: the top 25%, parameters that fall below the top 25% but remain above average, and parameters that are below average. The performance of each parameter is outlined below.
    1. Top 25%: The Mirae Asset Silver ETF has four return parameters in the top 25% in the category, as shown below:
      • 1M Return %
      • 3M Return %
      • 6M Return %
      • 1Y Return %
    2. Above Average Below the Top 25%: The fund does not have any return parameter which is above average but below the top 25%.
    3. Below Average: Mirae Asset Silver ETF has no return parameters that are below average in the category.
  2. Risk: The threat of not realizing projected profits or even facing financial loss due to different issues is known as risk. For Mirae Asset Silver ETF, we have analyzed zero risk parameters and divided them into three groups the lowest 25%, below average but above the lowest 25%, and above average, which are described below.
    1. Lowest 25%: Mirae Asset Silver ETF does not have any risk parameters in the lowest 25% of the category. It means high risk compared to other funds in the category.
    2. Below Average but Above the Lowest 25%: Mirae Asset Silver ETF does not have any risk parameters in the below average but above the lowest 25% of the category.
    3. Above Average: Mirae Asset Silver ETF does not have any risk parameters above average; which is a good sign.
  3. Risk Adjusted Performance Parameters: Risk-adjusted performance parameters in mutual funds are parameters that assess the return on investments based on the risks involved. These parameters provide a platform for investors to compare various investments, by considering both profits and the risks involved. For Mirae Asset Silver ETF, we have evaluated zero risk-adjusted performance parameters.
    1. Top 25% Risk Adjusted Performance Parameters: The fund does not have any risk-adjusted performance parameters that are in the top 25% of the category.
    2. Above Average Below Top 25% Risk Adjusted Performance Parameters: The fund does not have any risk-adjusted performance parameters that are in the above average but below top 25% of the category.
    3. Below Average Risk Adjusted Performance Parameters: The fund does not have any risk-adjusted performance parameters that are in the above average but below top 25% of the category.

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Mirae Asset Silver Etf NAV Regular Growth Mirae Asset Silver Etf NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 95.433 None
06-03-2025 95.173 None
05-03-2025 94.9285 None
04-03-2025 94.0291 None
03-03-2025 92.9468 None
28-02-2025 92.2381 None
27-02-2025 93.5685 None
25-02-2025 94.417 None
24-02-2025 94.7658 None
21-02-2025 95.6618 None
20-02-2025 96.4238 None
19-02-2025 96.1414 None
18-02-2025 94.7985 None
17-02-2025 94.5707 None
14-02-2025 96.5809 None
13-02-2025 94.3762 None
12-02-2025 92.9993 None
11-02-2025 92.9992 None
10-02-2025 94.296 None
07-02-2025 94.0303 None

Fund Launch Date: 09/Jun/2023
Fund Category: ETF
Investment Objective: To generate returns that are in line with the performance of physical silver in domestic prices, subject to tracking error. The Scheme does not guarantee or assure any returns.
Fund Description: An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Silver
Fund Benchmark: Domestic Price of Physical Silver (based on London Bullion Market association (LBMA) Silver daily spot fixing price.)
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.