Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund Overview
Category Flexi Cap Fund
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹14.41(R) +0.05% ₹15.39(D) +0.06%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 1.28% 16.24% -% -% -%
Direct 2.98% 18.36% -% -% -%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -12.08% 11.98% -% -% -%
Direct -10.57% 14.03% -% -% -%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.45 0.23 0.5 1.33% 0.07
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
14.0% -19.35% -16.71% 0.95 9.9%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Plan -IDCW 13.36
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund - Direct Plan -IDCW 14.33
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Plan -Growth 14.41
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund - Direct Plan -Growth 15.39

Review Date: 07-03-2025

Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund has shown average performance in the Flexi Cap Fund category. The fund has rank of 15 out of 27 funds in the category. The fund has delivered return of 1.28% in 1 year and 16.24% in 3 years. The category average for the same periods is 1.84% and 15.33% respectively, which shows poor return performance of fund in the category. The fund has exhibited standard deviation of 14.0, VaR of -19.35, Average Drawdown of -7.85, Semi Deviation of 9.9 and Max Drawdown of -16.71. The category average for the same parameters is 14.51, -19.21, -7.27, 10.47 and -18.02 respectively. The fund has low risk in the category.
  • standard deviation of 14.0 and based on VaR one can expect to lose more than -19.35% of current value of fund in one year.
  • Sharpe ratio of the fund is 0.45 which shows good performance of fund in the flexi cap fund category.
  • The fund has R-square of 0.95, Beta of 0.95 and Jensen's Alpha of 1.33% which exhibit good performance in the flexi cap fund category .

  • −0.022.71−4.68−10.55−10.83−0.222.57−6.63−14.22−12.630.366.3−6.98−18.4−15.830.12.15−6.49−13.25−11.950.021.61−5.04−9.59−11.57−0.013.06−6.01−15.06−14.75−0.252.4−5.94−12.24−11.76−0.062.89−5.59−12.34−12.88−0.212.26−6−14.6−13.21−0.411.9−5.58−12.31−11.36−0.141.72−3.93−7.75−6.49−0.133.34−7.54−17.11−14.44−0.322.32−7.15−16.01−11.9902.58−7.22−12.78−14.430.123.9−7.17−17.38−15.77−0.622.36−7.76−16.93−12.59−0.352.34−9.33−17.52−17.210.043−4.08−11.2−10.410.313.08−9.23−17.81−17.890.052.86−4.59−10.8−12.64−0.092.73−6.17−11.72−10.41−0.283.41−4.9−15.15−8.8−0.252.02−7.69−13.92−22.61−0.033.64−5.52−13.03−14.1−0.162.78−6.1−13.91−14.49−0.192.22−6.69−12.54−12.11−0.060.38−3.97−5.77−1.79−0.011.47−6.6−11.4−11.490.032.08−8.21−18.68−19.7604.15−9.54−25.38−25.56−0.12.49−7.37−15.21−−5.07−9.11−10.75−0.082.68−6.44−13.17−13.04−0.41.62−6.58−10.97−10.94−0.182.52−5.83−13.41−12.23−0.112.78−5.73−13.06−9.450.364.27−4.6−12.18−19.111D1W1M3M6Mquant flexi cap fundWhiteoak Capital Flexi CaUnion Flexi Cap FundUTI FLEXI CAP FUNDTaurus Flexi Cap FundTata Flexi Cap FundTRUSTMF Flexi Cap FundSamco Flexi Cap FundSHRIRAM FLEXI CAP FUNDSBI Flexicap FundParag Parikh Flexi Cap FuPGIM India Flexi Cap FundNippon India Flexi Cap FuNavi Flexi Cap FundNJ Flexi Cap FundMotilal Oswal Flexi Cap FMirae Asset Flexi Cap FunMahindra Manulife Flexi CLIC MF Flexi Cap FundKotak Flexicap FundJM Flexicap FundInvesco India Flexi Cap FITI Flexi Cap Fund ICICI Prudential FlexicapHelios Flexi Cap FundHSBC Flexi Cap FundHDFC Flexi Cap FundFranklin India Flexi Cap Edelweiss Flexi Cap FundDSP Flexi Cap FundCanara Robeco Flexi Cap FBaroda BNP Paribas Flexi Bandhan Flexi Cap FundBajaj Finserv Flexi Cap FBANK OF INDIA FLEXI CAP FAxis Flexi Cap FundAditya Birla Sun Life Fle
    −20−1001020Return %Short Term Return % (Reg) On:

    Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

    Date Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund NAV Regular Growth Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund NAV Direct Growth
    07-03-2025 14.4086 15.3904
    06-03-2025 14.4012 15.3817
    05-03-2025 14.2597 15.2299
    04-03-2025 14.0905 15.0485
    03-03-2025 14.0225 14.9753
    28-02-2025 14.0077 14.9575
    27-02-2025 14.2957 15.2643
    25-02-2025 14.3532 15.3244
    24-02-2025 14.3703 15.342
    21-02-2025 14.5128 15.4921
    20-02-2025 14.592 15.5759
    19-02-2025 14.5478 15.528
    18-02-2025 14.4414 15.4137
    17-02-2025 14.4968 15.4722
    14-02-2025 14.462 15.433
    13-02-2025 14.6293 15.6109
    12-02-2025 14.6717 15.6554
    11-02-2025 14.6804 15.6639
    10-02-2025 14.9686 15.9707
    07-02-2025 15.1018 16.1108

    Fund Launch Date: 23/Aug/2021
    Fund Category: Flexi Cap Fund
    Investment Objective: The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related securities across market capitalization. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.
    Fund Description: An open ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks
    Fund Benchmark: Nifty 500 Total Return Index
    Source: Fund FactSheet

    Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.