Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund Overview
Category Aggressive Hybrid Fund
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹24.43(R) +0.08% ₹27.06(D) +0.08%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 6.98% 15.64% 18.34% -% -%
Direct 8.72% 17.7% 20.5% -% -%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -5.23% 13.94% 16.03% -% -%
Direct -3.65% 15.93% 18.17% -% -%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.57 0.29 0.62 2.23% 0.05
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
11.43% -12.63% -12.2% 1.22 7.99%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund - Regular Plan - IDCW 18.74
Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund - Direct Plan - IDCW 21.11
Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 24.43
Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund - Direct Plan -Growth 27.06

Review Date: 07-03-2025

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund NAV Regular Growth Mahindra Manulife Aggressive Hybrid Fund NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 24.4277 27.0642
06-03-2025 24.4088 27.0421
05-03-2025 24.2371 26.8508
04-03-2025 23.9879 26.5736
03-03-2025 23.9514 26.532
28-02-2025 23.939 26.515
27-02-2025 24.2651 26.875
25-02-2025 24.379 26.9989
24-02-2025 24.4012 27.0223
21-02-2025 24.5654 27.2007
20-02-2025 24.6831 27.3299
19-02-2025 24.6109 27.2488
18-02-2025 24.5122 27.1383
17-02-2025 24.5443 27.1727
14-02-2025 24.521 27.1434
13-02-2025 24.7475 27.393
12-02-2025 24.7816 27.4296
11-02-2025 24.8252 27.4767
10-02-2025 25.2 27.8904
07-02-2025 25.3842 28.0907

Fund Launch Date: 28/Jun/2019
Fund Category: Aggressive Hybrid Fund
Investment Objective: The Scheme seeks to generate long term capital appreciation and also income through investments in equity and equity related instruments and investments in debt and money market instruments. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. The Scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns.
Fund Description: An open ended hybrid scheme investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments
Fund Benchmark: CRISIL Hybrid 25+75 - Aggressive Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.