Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund Of Fund Overview
Category FoF Overseas
Gro. Opt. As On: 31-01-2025
NAV ₹27.57(R) None% ₹30.38(D) %
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
LumpSum (R) 22.27% 16.0% 14.9% 11.38% 10.87%
LumpSum (D) 22.69% 16.63% 15.6% 12.18% 11.84%
SIP (R) -27.57% 14.52% 14.39% 12.53% 11.06%
SIP (D) -27.18% 15.1% 15.04% 13.19% 11.84%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.3 0.16 0.4 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
15.55% -19.65% -19.83% - 11.17%

No data available

NAV Date: 31-01-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund of Fund - Regular Plan - IDCW (Payout / Reinvestment) 27.52
Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund of Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 27.57
Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund of Fund - Direct Plan - IDCW (Payout / Reinvestment) 30.03
Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund of Fund - Direct Plan - Growth 30.38

Review Date: 31-01-2025

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 5.86 -3.47
0.06 | 7.96 6 | 18 Good
6M Return % 10.83 -7.92
-4.63 | 34.44 10 | 20 Good
1Y Return % 22.27 10.06
-2.94 | 41.18 12 | 20 Average
3Y Return % 16.00 14.26
-3.75 | 20.37 2 | 13 Very Good
5Y Return % 14.90 18.18
1.47 | 16.08 3 | 6 Good
7Y Return % 11.38 13.34
-0.51 | 16.51 3 | 6 Good
10Y Return % 10.87 12.90
2.06 | 15.08 2 | 4 Good
1Y SIP Return % -27.57
-34.75 | 15.21 14 | 17 Average
3Y SIP Return % 14.52
-9.97 | 29.09 6 | 10 Good
5Y SIP Return % 14.39
3.67 | 16.25 2 | 5 Very Good
7Y SIP Return % 12.53
2.50 | 16.49 3 | 5 Good
10Y SIP Return % 11.06
1.65 | 15.79 2 | 3 Good
Standard Deviation 15.55
9.86 | 27.60 9 | 27 Good
Semi Deviation 11.17
7.11 | 18.11 9 | 27 Good
Max Drawdown % -19.83
-39.27 | -11.30 6 | 27 Very Good
VaR 1 Y % -19.65
-36.68 | -14.48 6 | 27 Very Good
Average Drawdown % -4.81
-39.27 | -4.06 2 | 27 Very Good
Sharpe Ratio 0.30
-0.62 | 0.33 2 | 27 Very Good
Sterling Ratio 0.40
-0.16 | 0.47 2 | 27 Very Good
Sortino Ratio 0.16
-0.23 | 0.18 2 | 27 Very Good
Return data last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Dec. 31, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 5.91 -3.47 4.01 0.11 | 8.05 5 | 18
6M Return % 11.15 -7.92 10.50 -4.21 | 35.07 10 | 20
1Y Return % 22.69 10.06 20.86 -2.05 | 42.43 12 | 20
3Y Return % 16.63 14.26 10.03 -2.81 | 20.84 2 | 13
5Y Return % 15.60 18.18 10.78 2.52 | 17.23 3 | 6
7Y Return % 12.18 13.34 9.27 0.42 | 17.64 3 | 6
10Y Return % 11.84 12.90 9.49 3.16 | 16.18 2 | 4
1Y SIP Return % -27.18 -12.35 -34.72 | 15.65 14 | 17
3Y SIP Return % 15.10 14.45 -9.09 | 29.56 6 | 10
5Y SIP Return % 15.04 11.40 4.71 | 17.35 2 | 5
7Y SIP Return % 13.19 11.00 3.40 | 17.62 3 | 5
10Y SIP Return % 11.84 10.44 2.61 | 16.88 2 | 3
Standard Deviation 15.55 18.04 9.86 | 27.60 9 | 27
Semi Deviation 11.17 12.55 7.11 | 18.11 9 | 27
Max Drawdown % -19.83 -24.33 -39.27 | -11.30 6 | 27
VaR 1 Y % -19.65 -25.75 -36.68 | -14.48 6 | 27
Average Drawdown % -4.81 -12.42 -39.27 | -4.06 2 | 27
Sharpe Ratio 0.30 -0.12 -0.62 | 0.33 2 | 27
Sterling Ratio 0.40 0.14 -0.16 | 0.47 2 | 27
Sortino Ratio 0.16 -0.01 -0.23 | 0.18 2 | 27
Return data last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Dec. 31, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1W 0.64 ₹ 10,064.00 0.65 ₹ 10,065.00
1M 5.86 ₹ 10,586.00 5.91 ₹ 10,591.00
6M 10.83 ₹ 11,083.00 11.15 ₹ 11,115.00
1Y 22.27 ₹ 12,227.00 22.69 ₹ 12,269.00
3Y 16.00 ₹ 15,607.00 16.63 ₹ 15,863.00
5Y 14.90 ₹ 20,025.00 15.60 ₹ 20,644.00
7Y 11.38 ₹ 21,270.00 12.18 ₹ 22,359.00
10Y 10.87 ₹ 28,072.00 11.84 ₹ 30,624.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 -27.57 ₹ 10,111.85 -27.18 ₹ 10,140.10
3Y ₹ 36000 14.52 ₹ 44,701.34 15.10 ₹ 45,078.37
5Y ₹ 60000 14.39 ₹ 86,096.88 15.04 ₹ 87,498.00
7Y ₹ 84000 12.53 ₹ 131,341.31 13.19 ₹ 134,513.40
10Y ₹ 120000 11.06 ₹ 213,219.36 11.84 ₹ 222,353.40
15Y ₹ 180000

Date Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund Of Fund NAV Regular Growth Invesco India - Invesco Global Equity Income Fund Of Fund NAV Direct Growth
31-01-2025 27.5651 30.3849
28-01-2025 27.4367 30.2421
27-01-2025 26.9516 29.7069
24-01-2025 27.391 30.1899
23-01-2025 27.1631 29.9383
22-01-2025 27.2603 30.045
21-01-2025 26.9013 29.6489
17-01-2025 26.666 29.3878
16-01-2025 26.5215 29.2282
15-01-2025 26.181 28.8525
14-01-2025 26.116 28.7805
13-01-2025 25.7938 28.425
10-01-2025 26.2071 28.8792
08-01-2025 26.1058 28.7667
07-01-2025 26.2457 28.9204
06-01-2025 26.3208 29.0028
03-01-2025 26.0117 28.6609
02-01-2025 26.0508 28.7036
31-12-2024 26.0395 28.6903

Fund Launch Date: 15/Apr/2014
Fund Category: FoF Overseas
Investment Objective: To provide capital appreciation and/or income byinvesting predominantly in units of Invesco GlobalEquity Income Fund, an overseas equity fundwhich invests primarily in equities of companiesworldwide. The Scheme may, at the discretion ofFund Manager, also invest in units of other similarOverseas Mutual Funds with similar objectives,strategy and attributes which may constitute asignificant portion of its net assets.
Fund Description: An open ended fund of fund scheme investing in Invesco Global Equity Income Fund
Fund Benchmark: MSCI World Index - Net Dividend
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.