Hsbc Large Cap Fund Overview
Category Large Cap Fund
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹422.6(R) -0.37% ₹467.76(D) -0.37%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular -0.88% 14.47% 16.32% 11.83% 10.44%
Direct 0.02% 15.54% 17.42% 12.84% 11.38%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -14.22% 10.12% 12.75% 12.2% 12.02%
Direct -13.38% 11.2% 13.86% 13.26% 13.02%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.32 0.17 0.43 0.79% 0.05
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
14.29% -16.77% -16.9% 0.99 10.11%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
HSBC Large Cap Fund - Direct IDCW 38.63
HSBC Large Cap Fund - Regular IDCW 41.09
HSBC Large Cap Fund - Regular Growth 422.6
HSBC Large Cap Fund - Direct Growth 467.76

Review Date: 07-03-2025

HSBC Large Cap Fund has shown average performance in the Large Cap Fund category. The fund has rank of 11 out of 27 funds in the category. The fund has delivered return of -0.88% in 1 year, 14.47% in 3 years, 16.32% in 5 years and 10.44% in 10 years. The category average for the same periods is 1.34%, 14.36%, 16.8% and 10.55% respectively, which shows average return performance of fund in the category. The fund has exhibited standard deviation of 14.29, VaR of -16.77, Average Drawdown of -6.17, Semi Deviation of 10.11 and Max Drawdown of -16.9. The category average for the same parameters is 13.47, -17.41, -6.37, 9.49 and -15.9 respectively. The fund has average risk in the category.

Key Points:

  1. An investment of ₹10,000 in HSBC Large Cap Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹10002.0 in 1 year, ₹15426.0 in 3 years and ₹22321.0 in 5 years as of today (07-03-2025).
  2. An SIP of ₹1,000 per month in HSBC Large Cap Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹11118.0 in 1 year, ₹42570.0 in 3 years and ₹84897.0 in 5 years as of today (07-03-2025).
  3. standard deviation of 14.29 and based on VaR one can expect to lose more than -16.77% of current value of fund in one year.
  4. Sharpe ratio of the fund is 0.32 which shows good performance of fund in the large cap fund category.
  5. The fund has R-square of 0.92, Beta of 0.99 and Jensen's Alpha of 0.79% which exhibit average performance in the large cap fund category .

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Hsbc Large Cap Fund NAV Regular Growth Hsbc Large Cap Fund NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 422.6026 467.7649
06-03-2025 424.1677 469.4852
05-03-2025 421.2477 466.2414
04-03-2025 416.4089 460.874
03-03-2025 417.5522 462.1276
28-02-2025 415.9556 460.3254
27-02-2025 424.2646 469.5088
25-02-2025 428.0706 473.6964
24-02-2025 429.1927 474.926
21-02-2025 433.8816 480.0779
20-02-2025 436.7643 483.2552
19-02-2025 437.2447 483.7745
18-02-2025 435.8089 482.1735
17-02-2025 435.2537 481.547
14-02-2025 434.6252 480.8149
13-02-2025 438.6779 485.2859
12-02-2025 438.5812 485.1666
11-02-2025 439.1245 485.7553
10-02-2025 447.0246 494.4817
07-02-2025 451.9097 499.8472

Fund Launch Date: 14/Nov/2002
Fund Category: Large Cap Fund
Investment Objective: To generate long-term capital growth from an actively managed portfolio of equity and equityrelated securities of predominantly large cap companies. However, there can be no assurance or guarantee that theinvestment objective of the scheme would be achieved.
Fund Description: An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in large cap stocks
Fund Benchmark: Nifty 50 Total Return Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.