Hdfc Balanced Advantage Fund Overview
Category Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹476.32(R) -0.03% ₹513.71(D) -0.03%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 4.32% 20.59% 22.22% 15.01% 13.39%
Direct 4.96% 21.36% 22.98% 15.79% 14.14%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -4.72% 16.59% 20.11% 17.48% 15.84%
Direct -4.13% 17.34% 20.89% 18.21% 16.58%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
1.19 0.67 0.99 8.59% 0.1
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
9.7% -8.53% -9.15% 1.19 6.78%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - IDCW Plan 36.95
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - IDCW Plan - Direct Plan 42.88
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - Growth Plan 476.32
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - Growth Plan - Direct Plan 513.71

Review Date: 07-03-2025

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Hdfc Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Regular Growth Hdfc Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 476.315 513.712
06-03-2025 476.463 513.864
05-03-2025 473.043 510.167
04-03-2025 468.22 504.958
03-03-2025 467.341 504.003
28-02-2025 467.701 504.367
27-02-2025 472.506 509.541
25-02-2025 473.591 510.695
24-02-2025 474.326 511.481
21-02-2025 477.387 514.758
20-02-2025 479.017 516.507
19-02-2025 477.868 515.26
18-02-2025 476.119 513.367
17-02-2025 476.456 513.722
14-02-2025 476.05 513.26
13-02-2025 479.666 517.151
12-02-2025 479.233 516.676
11-02-2025 479.588 517.051
10-02-2025 484.664 522.515
07-02-2025 488.069 526.161

Fund Launch Date: 20/Jul/2000
Fund Category: Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage
Investment Objective: To provide long term capital appreciation / income from a dynamic mix of equity and debt investments. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
Fund Description: An open ended balanced advantage fund
Fund Benchmark: NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 65:35 Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.