Edelweiss Europe Dynamic Equity Offshore Fund Overview
Category FoF Overseas
Gro. Opt. As On:
NAV (R) % (D) %
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
LumpSum (R)
LumpSum (D)
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.01 0.04 0.22 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
16.37% -18.95% -21.46% - 11.43%

No data available

NAV Date:

no data

Review Date:

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
Standard Deviation 16.37
9.87 | 28.01 10 | 34 Good
Semi Deviation 11.43
7.19 | 19.32 13 | 34 Good
Max Drawdown % -21.46
-41.94 | -9.70 10 | 34 Good
VaR 1 Y % -18.95
-36.68 | -15.27 9 | 34 Very Good
Average Drawdown % -6.70
-41.94 | -4.04 6 | 34 Very Good
Sharpe Ratio 0.01
-0.65 | 0.47 13 | 34 Good
Sterling Ratio 0.22
-0.18 | 0.64 12 | 34 Good
Sortino Ratio 0.04
-0.22 | 0.24 13 | 34 Good
Return data last Updated On :
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Nov. 29, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
Standard Deviation 16.37 18.86 9.87 | 28.01 10 | 34
Semi Deviation 11.43 12.97 7.19 | 19.32 13 | 34
Max Drawdown % -21.46 -25.44 -41.94 | -9.70 10 | 34
VaR 1 Y % -18.95 -26.08 -36.68 | -15.27 9 | 34
Average Drawdown % -6.70 -15.04 -41.94 | -4.04 6 | 34
Sharpe Ratio 0.01 -0.09 -0.65 | 0.47 13 | 34
Sterling Ratio 0.22 0.16 -0.18 | 0.64 12 | 34
Sortino Ratio 0.04 0.00 -0.22 | 0.24 13 | 34
Return data last Updated On :
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Nov. 29, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
₹ 12000
₹ 36000
₹ 60000
₹ 84000
₹ 120000
₹ 180000

Date Edelweiss Europe Dynamic Equity Offshore Fund NAV Regular Growth Edelweiss Europe Dynamic Equity Offshore Fund NAV Direct Growth
23-12-2024 18.3769 20.1786
20-12-2024 18.1141 19.8887
19-12-2024 18.4139 20.2174
18-12-2024 18.8596 20.7063
17-12-2024 18.8487 20.6937
16-12-2024 19.0128 20.8735
13-12-2024 18.9424 20.7948
12-12-2024 19.1724 21.0468
11-12-2024 19.1744 21.0485
10-12-2024 19.2553 21.1369
09-12-2024 19.2946 21.1795
06-12-2024 19.3067 21.1914
05-12-2024 19.2251 21.1012
04-12-2024 19.1792 21.0504
03-12-2024 19.0389 20.8959
29-11-2024 18.7629 20.5911
28-11-2024 18.7569 20.5841
27-11-2024 18.5385 20.344
26-11-2024 18.5725 20.3808
25-11-2024 18.6805 20.4988

Fund Launch Date: 17/Jan/2014
Fund Category: FoF Overseas
Investment Objective: The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to provide long term capital growth by investing predominantly in the JPMorgan Funds - Europe Dynamic Fund, an equity fund which invests primarily in an aggressively managed portfolio of European companies. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
Fund Description: An open ended fund of fund scheme investing in JPMorgan Funds Europe Dynamic Fund
Fund Benchmark: Not Available
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.