Previously Known As : Idfc Balanced Advantage Fund
Bandhan Balanced Advantage Fund Overview
Category Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage
Growth Option 07-03-2025
NAV ₹22.46(R) -0.08% ₹25.85(D) -0.07%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 5.19% 9.63% 10.41% 8.74% 7.57%
Direct 6.55% 11.09% 11.92% 10.26% 9.04%
SIP (XIRR) Regular -3.15% 8.59% 8.96% 8.67% 8.57%
Direct -1.87% 10.05% 10.46% 10.16% 10.06%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
0.15 0.08 0.45 -0.47% 0.01
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
7.64% -9.66% -7.75% 0.95 5.5%

NAV Date: 07-03-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
BANDHAN Balanced Advantage Fund Regular Plan IDCW 14.17
BANDHAN Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan IDCW 16.2
BANDHAN Balanced Advantage Fund Regular Plan Growth 22.46
BANDHAN Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan Growth 25.85

Review Date: 07-03-2025

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Date Bandhan Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Regular Growth Bandhan Balanced Advantage Fund NAV Direct Growth
07-03-2025 22.463 25.853
06-03-2025 22.48 25.871
05-03-2025 22.364 25.738
04-03-2025 22.168 25.511
03-03-2025 22.128 25.464
28-02-2025 22.08 25.406
27-02-2025 22.347 25.712
25-02-2025 22.419 25.793
24-02-2025 22.463 25.844
21-02-2025 22.581 25.977
20-02-2025 22.649 26.054
19-02-2025 22.618 26.017
18-02-2025 22.532 25.918
17-02-2025 22.547 25.934
14-02-2025 22.568 25.955
13-02-2025 22.761 26.176
12-02-2025 22.772 26.188
11-02-2025 22.79 26.208
10-02-2025 23.075 26.534
07-02-2025 23.243 26.725

Fund Launch Date: 17/Sep/2014
Fund Category: Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage
Investment Objective: The primary objective of the scheme is to seek to generate long term capital appreciation with relatively lower volatility through systematicallocation of funds into equity and equity related instruments; and for defensive purposes in equity derivatives. The secondary objectiveof the scheme will be to generate in come and capital appreciation through investment in Debt & Money Market instruments. There is noassurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realised.
Fund Description: An open ended dynamic asset allocation fund
Fund Benchmark: 50% S&P BSE 200 Total Return Index + 50% NIFTY AAAShort Duration Bond Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.