Previously Known As : Aditya Birla Sun Life Gilt Plus - Pf Plan
Aditya Birla Sun Life Government Securities Fund Overview
Category Gilt Fund
Growth Option 21-02-2025
NAV ₹78.58(R) -0.15% ₹84.23(D) -0.15%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 6.72% 5.87% 6.19% 7.56% 7.47%
Direct 7.42% 6.56% 6.87% 8.24% 8.12%
SIP (XIRR) Regular 6.0% 7.18% 6.15% 6.29% 6.7%
Direct 6.69% 7.88% 6.83% 6.97% 7.37%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
-0.21 -0.07 0.5 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
2.49% -2.99% -2.44% - 1.92%

NAV Date: 21-02-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
Aditya Birla Sun Life Govenment Securities Fund -Regular - Quarterly IDCW 11.31
Aditya Birla Sun Life Govenment Securities Fund -DIRECT - Quarterly IDCW 12.03
Aditya Birla Sun Life Government Securities Fund - Growth - Regular Plan 78.58
Aditya Birla Sun Life Government Securities Fund - Growth - Direct Plan 84.23

Review Date: 21-02-2025

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.00
-0.13 | 0.52 18 | 21 Average
3M Return % 1.22
0.98 | 2.01 17 | 21 Average
6M Return % 2.20
1.55 | 3.81 16 | 21 Average
1Y Return % 6.72
6.35 | 8.42 15 | 21 Average
3Y Return % 5.87
5.28 | 7.07 16 | 18 Poor
5Y Return % 6.19
4.78 | 6.91 7 | 18 Good
7Y Return % 7.56
6.05 | 8.22 7 | 18 Good
10Y Return % 7.47
5.65 | 7.71 4 | 16 Very Good
15Y Return % 8.26
6.34 | 45.63 5 | 14 Good
1Y SIP Return % 6.00
5.50 | 8.45 15 | 21 Average
3Y SIP Return % 7.18
6.46 | 8.05 12 | 18 Average
5Y SIP Return % 6.15
5.34 | 6.86 8 | 18 Good
7Y SIP Return % 6.29
5.17 | 6.90 7 | 18 Good
10Y SIP Return % 6.70
5.12 | 7.12 5 | 16 Good
15Y SIP Return % 7.85
6.06 | 46.02 4 | 15 Very Good
Standard Deviation 2.49
1.54 | 3.19 16 | 17 Poor
Semi Deviation 1.92
1.17 | 2.34 16 | 17 Poor
Max Drawdown % -2.44
-2.74 | -0.48 16 | 17 Poor
VaR 1 Y % -2.99
-4.62 | -0.84 16 | 17 Poor
Average Drawdown % -0.76
-0.92 | -0.32 14 | 17 Average
Sharpe Ratio -0.21
-0.86 | 0.43 12 | 17 Average
Sterling Ratio 0.50
0.48 | 0.70 16 | 17 Poor
Sortino Ratio -0.07
-0.28 | 0.19 11 | 17 Average
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.05 0.22 -0.08 | 0.55 18 | 21
3M Return % 1.39 1.62 1.14 | 2.09 18 | 21
6M Return % 2.54 2.90 1.87 | 3.98 16 | 21
1Y Return % 7.42 7.79 7.22 | 8.76 18 | 21
3Y Return % 6.56 6.91 5.80 | 7.65 15 | 18
5Y Return % 6.87 6.61 5.28 | 7.59 8 | 18
7Y Return % 8.24 7.95 6.65 | 8.87 9 | 18
10Y Return % 8.12 7.62 6.40 | 8.46 5 | 16
1Y SIP Return % 6.69 7.25 6.16 | 8.78 18 | 21
3Y SIP Return % 7.88 8.00 6.99 | 8.44 14 | 18
5Y SIP Return % 6.83 6.82 5.85 | 7.44 11 | 18
7Y SIP Return % 6.97 6.83 5.69 | 7.48 9 | 18
10Y SIP Return % 7.37 7.03 5.73 | 7.70 7 | 16
Standard Deviation 2.49 2.15 1.54 | 3.19 16 | 17
Semi Deviation 1.92 1.54 1.17 | 2.34 16 | 17
Max Drawdown % -2.44 -1.28 -2.74 | -0.48 16 | 17
VaR 1 Y % -2.99 -1.78 -4.62 | -0.84 16 | 17
Average Drawdown % -0.76 -0.55 -0.92 | -0.32 14 | 17
Sharpe Ratio -0.21 -0.16 -0.86 | 0.43 12 | 17
Sterling Ratio 0.50 0.58 0.48 | 0.70 16 | 17
Sortino Ratio -0.07 -0.05 -0.28 | 0.19 11 | 17
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1D -0.15 ₹ 9,985.00 -0.15 ₹ 9,985.00
1W -0.21 ₹ 9,979.00 -0.19 ₹ 9,981.00
1M 0.00 ₹ 10,000.00 0.05 ₹ 10,005.00
3M 1.22 ₹ 10,122.00 1.39 ₹ 10,139.00
6M 2.20 ₹ 10,220.00 2.54 ₹ 10,254.00
1Y 6.72 ₹ 10,672.00 7.42 ₹ 10,742.00
3Y 5.87 ₹ 11,867.00 6.56 ₹ 12,100.00
5Y 6.19 ₹ 13,501.00 6.87 ₹ 13,941.00
7Y 7.56 ₹ 16,653.00 8.24 ₹ 17,403.00
10Y 7.47 ₹ 20,560.00 8.12 ₹ 21,827.00
15Y 8.26 ₹ 32,882.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 6.00 ₹ 12,388.57 6.69 ₹ 12,432.94
3Y ₹ 36000 7.18 ₹ 40,148.71 7.88 ₹ 40,566.20
5Y ₹ 60000 6.15 ₹ 70,101.42 6.83 ₹ 71,316.96
7Y ₹ 84000 6.29 ₹ 105,096.18 6.97 ₹ 107,685.48
10Y ₹ 120000 6.70 ₹ 169,443.24 7.37 ₹ 175,479.72
15Y ₹ 180000 7.85 ₹ 335,823.12

Date Aditya Birla Sun Life Government Securities Fund NAV Regular Growth Aditya Birla Sun Life Government Securities Fund NAV Direct Growth
21-02-2025 78.5768 84.231
20-02-2025 78.6942 84.3553
18-02-2025 78.7862 84.451
17-02-2025 78.7631 84.4246
14-02-2025 78.739 84.3943
13-02-2025 78.675 84.3242
12-02-2025 78.823 84.4813
11-02-2025 78.7726 84.4259
10-02-2025 78.7688 84.4202
07-02-2025 78.8024 84.4517
06-02-2025 79.0705 84.7375
05-02-2025 78.8509 84.5007
04-02-2025 78.7705 84.4131
03-02-2025 78.7515 84.3912
31-01-2025 78.7732 84.4099
30-01-2025 78.8978 84.5419
29-01-2025 78.8782 84.5194
28-01-2025 78.9975 84.6457
27-01-2025 79.0589 84.71
24-01-2025 78.8419 84.473
23-01-2025 78.7331 84.3549
22-01-2025 78.7715 84.3946
21-01-2025 78.5805 84.1884

Fund Launch Date: 12/Oct/1999
Fund Category: Gilt Fund
Investment Objective: An Open - ended government securities scheme with the objective to generate income and capital appreciation through investments exclusively in Government Securities.
Fund Description: This is an actively managed income fund dedicated to investing in sovereign bonds of varying tenors. Being a dedicated Government Securities Fund, the credit risk of the fund portfolio is extremely low but it may run high duration risk owing to investments made in long maturity or dated Governments bonds (maturity over 1 yr).
Fund Benchmark: I-Sec LI-BEX
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.