व्हाइटओक कैपिटल लिक्विड फंड का सारांश | ||||||
कैटेगरी | लिक्विड फंड | |||||
बीएमएसमनी | रैंक | - | ||||
रेटिंग | ||||||
ग्रोथ ऑप्शन 21-02-2025 | ||||||
एनएवी | ₹1371.35(R) | +0.02% | ₹1379.02(D) | +0.02% | ||
रिटर्न (%) | १ वर्ष | ३ वर्ष | ५ वर्ष | ७ वर्ष | १० वर्ष | |
लंपसम | रेगुलर | 7.25% | 6.37% | 5.06% | -% | -% |
डायरेक्ट | 7.35% | 6.48% | 5.16% | -% | -% | |
बेंचमार्क | ||||||
एसआईपी (XIRR) | रेगुलर | 7.13% | 6.93% | 5.97% | -% | -% |
डायरेक्ट | 7.23% | 7.03% | 6.07% | -% | -% | |
रिस्क एडज. परफ. | शार्प रेश्यो | सोर्टिनो रेश्यो | स्टर्लिंग रेश्यो | जेन्सेन अल्फा | ट्रेनर रेश्यो | |
रिस्क | स्टैंडर्ड डेवि. | वार १ वर्ष 95% | मैक्स ड्राडाउन | बीटा | सेमि डेवि. | |
एनएवी तिथि: 21-02-2025
फंड का नाम | एनएवी | परिवर्तन(रु.) | परिवर्तन(%) |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Daily Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Daily Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1000.99 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Daily Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Daily Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1001.01 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Monthly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Monthly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1001.45 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Weekly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Weekly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1001.9 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Weekly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Weekly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1001.9 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Monthly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Monthly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1001.96 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Fortnightly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Fortnightly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1002.78 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Fortnightly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Fortnightly Payout/ Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option (IDCW) |
1004.65 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Growth Option WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Regular plan-Growth Option |
1371.35 |
WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Growth Option WhiteOak Capital Liquid Fund- Direct plan-Growth Option |
1379.02 |
समीक्षा की तिथि: 21-02-2025
फंड के विभिन्न प्रदर्शन पैरामीटर्स की समीक्षा निम्नानुसार है:तिथि | व्हाइटओक कैपिटल लिक्विड फंड एनएवी रेगुलर ग्रोथ | व्हाइटओक कैपिटल लिक्विड फंड एनएवी डायरेक्ट ग्रोथ |
21-02-2025 | 1371.3472 | 1379.0236 |
20-02-2025 | 1371.0995 | 1378.7708 |
19-02-2025 | 1370.8443 | 1378.5106 |
18-02-2025 | 1370.5922 | 1378.2534 |
17-02-2025 | 1370.335 | 1377.991 |
14-02-2025 | 1369.6077 | 1377.2489 |
13-02-2025 | 1369.3437 | 1376.9798 |
12-02-2025 | 1369.0966 | 1376.7275 |
11-02-2025 | 1368.7636 | 1376.3891 |
10-02-2025 | 1368.4852 | 1376.1056 |
07-02-2025 | 1367.7861 | 1375.3921 |
06-02-2025 | 1367.4907 | 1375.0915 |
05-02-2025 | 1367.1671 | 1374.7626 |
04-02-2025 | 1366.8287 | 1374.4189 |
03-02-2025 | 1366.5086 | 1374.0937 |
31-01-2025 | 1365.7277 | 1373.2979 |
30-01-2025 | 1365.4862 | 1373.0516 |
29-01-2025 | 1365.2272 | 1372.7876 |
28-01-2025 | 1364.9436 | 1372.499 |
27-01-2025 | 1364.6518 | 1372.2022 |
24-01-2025 | 1363.8621 | 1371.3976 |
23-01-2025 | 1363.6394 | 1371.1702 |
22-01-2025 | 1363.3919 | 1370.9178 |
21-01-2025 | 1363.1612 | 1370.6824 |
फंड प्रारंभ तिथि: 16/01/2019 |
फंड कैटेगरी: लिक्विड फंड |
निवेश का उद्देश्य: The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns consistent with moderate levels of risk and high liquidity by investing in high quality debt and money market instruments. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. |
फंड का विवरण: An Open Ended Liquid Scheme. A relatively Low Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk |
फंड बेंचमार्क: CRISIL Liquid Debt A-I Index |