टाटा बैलेंस्ड एडवांटेज फंड का सारांश
कैटेगरी डायनामिक एसेट एलोकेशन / बैलेंस्ड एडवांटेज
बीएमएसमनी रैंक 12
ग्रोथ ऑप्शन 07-03-2025
एनएवी ₹19.13(R) -0.11% ₹21.09(D) -0.11%
रिटर्न (%) १ वर्ष ३ वर्ष ५ वर्ष ७ वर्ष १० वर्ष
लंपसम रेगुलर 1.66% 10.8% 13.21% -% -%
डायरेक्ट 3.01% 12.39% 14.95% -% -%
एसआईपी (XIRR) रेगुलर -4.77% 8.64% 10.46% -% -%
डायरेक्ट -3.5% 10.19% 12.13% -% -%
रिस्क एडज. परफ. शार्प रेश्यो सोर्टिनो रेश्यो स्टर्लिंग रेश्यो जेन्सेन अल्फा ट्रेनर रेश्यो
0.39 0.18 0.53 1.28% 0.03
रिस्क स्टैंडर्ड डेवि. वार १ वर्ष 95% मैक्स ड्राडाउन बीटा सेमि डेवि.
7.02% -8.79% -8.35% 0.94 5.06%

एनएवी तिथि: 07-03-2025

फंड का नाम एनएवी परिवर्तन(रु.) परिवर्तन(%)
TATA Balanced एडवांटेज फंड रेगुलर प्लान - Payout of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced Advantage Fund Regular Plan - Payout of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
Tata Balanced एडवांटेज फंड-रेगुलर प्लान-ग्रोथ
Tata Balanced Advantage Fund-Regular Plan-Growth
TATA Balanced एडवांटेज फंड रेगुलर प्लान - Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced Advantage Fund Regular Plan - Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced एडवांटेज फंड डायरेक्ट प्लान - Payout of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan - Payout of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced एडवांटेज फंड डायरेक्ट प्लान - Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
TATA Balanced Advantage Fund Direct Plan - Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal option
Tata Balanced एडवांटेज फंड-डायरेक्ट प्लान-ग्रोथ
Tata Balanced Advantage Fund-Direct Plan-Growth

समीक्षा की तिथि: 07-03-2025

तिथि टाटा बैलेंस्ड एडवांटेज फंड एनएवी रेगुलर ग्रोथ टाटा बैलेंस्ड एडवांटेज फंड एनएवी डायरेक्ट ग्रोथ
07-03-2025 19.1268 21.0851
06-03-2025 19.1484 21.1081
05-03-2025 19.0447 20.9931
04-03-2025 18.8914 20.8234
03-03-2025 18.884 20.8145
28-02-2025 18.8651 20.7915
27-02-2025 19.0379 20.9812
25-02-2025 19.0889 21.0359
24-02-2025 19.1213 21.0708
21-02-2025 19.2114 21.168
20-02-2025 19.2801 21.2429
19-02-2025 19.2405 21.1985
18-02-2025 19.2227 21.1781
17-02-2025 19.2276 21.1828
14-02-2025 19.2262 21.1789
13-02-2025 19.321 21.2826
12-02-2025 19.3215 21.2824
11-02-2025 19.3425 21.3048
10-02-2025 19.5273 21.5076
07-02-2025 19.6198 21.6073

फंड प्रारंभ तिथि: 09/01/2019
फंड कैटेगरी: डायनामिक एसेट एलोकेशन / बैलेंस्ड एडवांटेज
निवेश का उद्देश्य: The investment objective of the Scheme is to provide capital appreciation and income distribution to the investors by using equity derivatives strategies, arbitrage opportunities and pure equity investments. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. The scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns.
फंड का विवरण: 1) Ideal for Investors who are Looking for Investments in a mix of equity, hedged equity/arbitrage and debt portfolios. 2) The Fund has Active allocation to equity & equity related instruments as per proprietary asset allocation model. 3) The fund will maintain minimum 65%-100% allocation to equity including hedged equity/arbitrage exposure and debt allocation between 0%-35% . 4) The Fund will endeavor to capture market trends and manage judicious mix of debt & equity, making sure the fund always has equity taxation benefit.
फंड बेंचमार्क: CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index
स्रोत: फंड फैक्टशीट