Previously Known As : इंडियाबुल्स शार्ट टर्म फंड
ग्रो शॉर्ट ड्यूरेशन फंड का सारांश
कैटेगरी शार्ट टर्म फंड
बीएमएसमनी रैंक 21
ग्रोथ ऑप्शन 07-03-2025
एनएवी ₹2014.77(R) +0.02% ₹2307.7(D) +0.03%
रिटर्न (%) १ वर्ष ३ वर्ष ५ वर्ष ७ वर्ष १० वर्ष
लंपसम रेगुलर 6.6% 5.08% 4.51% 5.08% 5.91%
डायरेक्ट 7.88% 6.3% 5.8% 6.33% 7.17%
एसआईपी (XIRR) रेगुलर 6.54% 6.11% 3.63% 3.82% 4.71%
डायरेक्ट 7.81% 7.34% 4.84% 5.05% 5.96%
रिस्क एडज. परफ. शार्प रेश्यो सोर्टिनो रेश्यो स्टर्लिंग रेश्यो जेन्सेन अल्फा ट्रेनर रेश्यो
-1.37 -0.4 0.45 0.27% -0.02
रिस्क स्टैंडर्ड डेवि. वार १ वर्ष 95% मैक्स ड्राडाउन बीटा सेमि डेवि.
1.18% -0.7% -1.09% 0.69 0.96%

एनएवी तिथि: 07-03-2025

फंड का नाम एनएवी परिवर्तन(रु.) परिवर्तन(%)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- रेगुलर प्लान- Weekly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Regular Plan- Weekly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- डायरेक्ट प्लान- Weekly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Direct Plan- Weekly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- डायरेक्ट प्लान- Fortnightly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Direct Plan- Fortnightly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- डायरेक्ट प्लान- Monthly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Direct Plan- Monthly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- रेगुलर प्लान- Fortnightly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Regular Plan- Fortnightly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड- रेगुलर प्लान- Monthly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund)- Regular Plan- Monthly - Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option (Payout & Reinvestment)
Indiabulls Short Term फंड - रेगुलर प्लान - ग्रोथ Option
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund )- Regular Plan - Growth Option
Indiabulls Short Term फंड - डायरेक्ट प्लान - ग्रोथ Option
Groww Short Duration Fund (formerly known as Indiabulls Short Term Fund) - Direct Plan - Growth Option

समीक्षा की तिथि: 07-03-2025

तिथि ग्रो शॉर्ट ड्यूरेशन फंड एनएवी रेगुलर ग्रोथ ग्रो शॉर्ट ड्यूरेशन फंड एनएवी डायरेक्ट ग्रोथ
07-03-2025 2014.766 2307.7
06-03-2025 2014.2779 2307.0967
05-03-2025 2013.4695 2306.1265
04-03-2025 2013.1058 2305.6655
03-03-2025 2012.3637 2304.7713
28-02-2025 2012.0605 2304.2913
27-02-2025 2012.1232 2304.287
25-02-2025 2012.313 2304.3526
24-02-2025 2012.0032 2303.922
21-02-2025 2010.8279 2302.3487
20-02-2025 2010.556 2301.9616
18-02-2025 2010.4156 2301.6494
17-02-2025 2009.8917 2300.9737
14-02-2025 2009.1258 2299.8698
13-02-2025 2008.7886 2299.408
12-02-2025 2008.5682 2299.0798
11-02-2025 2008.555 2298.989
10-02-2025 2007.793 2298.041
07-02-2025 2008.3523 2298.4542

फंड प्रारंभ तिथि: 22/08/2013
फंड कैटेगरी: शार्ट टर्म फंड
निवेश का उद्देश्य: The Scheme will endeavor to generate stable returns over short term with a low risk strategy while maintaining liquidity through a portfolio comprising debt and moneymarket instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 1 year 3 years. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of thescheme will be achieved.
फंड का विवरण: Short Duration Fund
फंड बेंचमार्क: CRISIL Short-Term Bond Fund Index
स्रोत: फंड फैक्टशीट